20 May 2016
May 10-13, the Chinese Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CCUGH) held a workshop on academic writing in English, titled “How to write a research paper in English and get it published?” in Guangzhou. The Global Health Research Center of Duke Kunshan University organized the workshop on behalf of CCUGH, and Sun Yat-Sen University provided logistics support. Fifteen young researchers from eight CCUGH member institutions gathered for the intensive four-day workshop to learn academic writing from experts in this field.
The workshop was held on the south campus of Sun Yat-sen University. Prof. Yuantao Hao, dean of School of Public Health at Sun Yat-Sen University, warmly welcomed participants from CCUGH member institutions.
On the first day of the workshop, three well-known experts gave lectures on academic writing and publishing skills. Dr. Lijing Yan from Duke University and Duke Kunshan University spoke on how to write and publish research papers from the viewpoint of Chinese scholars. Prof. Keith Dear from Duke University and Duke Kunshan University lectured on the presentation of quantitative results based on his rich research experience. Prof. Gavin Yamey from Duke University, who has 15 years of experience in medical editing, talked about how to present qualitative studies and how to respond to reviewers ‘comments from an editor’s perspective. The workshop also attracted about 70 interested audiences from Sun Yat-Sen University.
From May 11 to May 13, the focus of the workshop switched to hands-on training in manuscript revision. The workshop included a series of master classes, peer revising and one-on-one mentoring sessions. Edith Allen from Duke University and Duke Kunshan University joined three instructors in providing specific revision suggestions on the submitted manuscripts. Participants made the most of the one-on-one mentoring session by raising specific questions to the experts. Thanks to these intensive training sessions, the manuscripts of all 15 participants have been improved substantially under the guidance of the instructors.
CCUGH will hold another workshop on policy consultation and its second annual meeting in 2016, in order to inform and inspire talent cultivation and development of global health in China.
Established on November 9th, 2013, CCUGH aims to promote mutually beneficial, long-term partnerships among member universities, assist members in sharing their expertise across education, research, capacity building, social services and international collaborations, and address global health challenges. Duke Kunshan was elected as the second chair institution of CCUGH this August for two years.
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