27 June 2016
The eighth PKU-DUKE Global Health Certificate Program successfully took place on Duke Kunshan campus May 30 to June 10. Thirty health professionals from Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Chinese entry-exit inspection and quarantine system, China’s National Health and Family Planning Commission, Peking University, Gallup Inc. and the Chinese University of Hong Kong, received program certificates after completing the two-week training in Kunshan. Jointly launched by Peking University (PKU) and Duke University in 2009, the training program aims to raise awareness of global health issues among Chinese health professionals and has been held at Duke Kunshan University for two consecutive years.
The program kicked off with brief welcome remarks from Professor Haiyan Gao, vice chancellor for academic affairs at Duke Kunshan University and Professor Peiyu Wang, vice dean of School of Public Health, Peking University. Patrick Moreton, associate dean for graduate programs at Duke Kunshan University, acknowledged the significant effort made by the faculty and staff of this program, and encouraged the students to come back to Duke Kunshan soon and often.
The four core courses of the program include: Introduction to Global Health Issues and Metrics, Global Health Ethics, Global Health Systems and Global Health Promotion. The curriculum is designed to train a group of Chinese global health leaders who are equipped with keen insights into global health issues as well as practical skills. The two-week program encouraged creativity and new perspectives in solving global health problems. It featured a series of lectures, group discussions and student interaction sessions, and was fully delivered in English.
Group Discussion
The program’s faculty members are from Duke University and Peking University, including Professor Tang Shenglan, Professor Jim Zhang, Professor Jeff Moe and Dr. Sara LeGrand from Duke University Global Health Institute, Dr. Yin Hui, Dr. Tang Kun from the School of Public Health at Peking University, Dr. Jian Weiyan and Professor Cong Liya from the Health Science Center at Peking University. They not only delivered lectures, but also participated in group discussions and guided students on their theses.
Faculty Team
At the closing ceremony, all 30 students were awarded ‘PKU-Duke Global Health Certificate’ jointly issued by Peking University and Duke University. On behalf of the whole class, Wu Yichuan from Gallup extended his gratitude for the high-quality education, excellent faculty, human-centered campus, innovative education philosophy and extensive networking opportunities provided by Duke Kunshan University.
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