

A Memorable Summer in Hanoi

Hui-Hsin (Ema) Hsiao (MS’24) is currently organizing and writing her thesis, with research data collected during fieldwork in Hanoi, Vietnam, last summer. “The summer of 2023 is a memorable chapter in my life,” she said.

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The Road Trip to Health Never Ends

“There will always be more road ahead. I want to encourage everyone to plan your journey, set goals, look forward to the next stop, and take pit-stops when needed. Help others along the way when you can and keep in contact with the people you meet from all your life’s adventures.”

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Duke Alumna: My Incredible Semester at DKU

“How does one condense a full semester, four incredible months, into one blog post? I’m not sure, but it’s a challenge I’m willing to take. I could share so much about my experience as an exchange student at Duke Kunshan.”

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